Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I should have taken my vitamins...

Remember this?? Thought it corresponded with the overall theme of this post!

(top) AW! the masterpiece Macross frontier, seriously watch that!
(bottom) AW! its Jun hugging Shin in a weird bromantic way... makes me wonder if its ACTUALLY Yuki in there.... but thats Persoana Trinity Soul, you dont REALLY know whats going on, you think you do... but you dont.
Wow its pretty nostalgic seeing this, remember that ep? I also like her super high brown boots from season two... and basically all of Jenny's NEW AND IMPROVED gothic wardrobe hahah.

typical Taiga, glaring at us =[

aww rima's cute skirt and shirt from Shugo Chara! Party!

I hate being sick! All my life it hasn’t affected me too bad, but here I am, in my parents unfairly comfortable bed with a plate full of pineapple cake crumbs, and a trash can full of used tissues; writing a blog.
So there’s not much new in my life, I finished the MASTERPIECE Macross Frontier (Seriously if you haven’t watched this then… just watch it!), started and dropped Persona Trinity Soul, read the book form of Dogs: Bullets and Carnage for the millionth time, received my sketchbook in the mail, bought my prom dress!, and I could go on but basically: nothing much has happened.

Well that’s about all, I know compared to my previous page-long posts where I describe different fashions and anime… this is probably a disappointment; but I’m trying to update Tuesdays and Saturdays and I can’t think of anything so amazing to talk about right now… I’m too sick =P… so I’m probably going to kill myself tomorrow when I have a “great” blog idea! Ahahah, hope everything’s okay with you guys.

Now if you read this, please comment telling me your favorite gossip girl fashion piece. I like Serena’s bathing suit from waaay back in season one; it was so classic and just beautiful for her. If you don’t watch gossip girl then tell me your favorite clothing in general- I like skirts. If you are an otaku then tell me your favorite fashion statement ever made by an anime character. I think L has the best fashion in anime hahah, jk, I probably like Taigas INFAMOUS thigh highs lol. Or Rima's cute ensemble in Shugo Chara! Party!(worst show ever) in episode 7, which even if Party! was pure torture... was one of the best Shugo episodes yet!!(Rimahiko FTW!)

Hope no one else is suffering as much as I am now *goes off to get more pineapple cake*
*comment s.v.p!! virtual pocky!*

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Durarara! anime review

Ryohgo Narita's done it again, with the new 2010 anime series Durarara!! After only the first episode, I just had to dive in to the manga and the light novel series as well. This is a true masterpiece, with abstract characters, everyday setting, unreal elements that just become SO believable, humour, action, and seriously what can’t be loved in this series?

Like his previous work Baccano!! Durarara!! manages to connect tons of totally different seemingly unconnected events and people through a magical back-story, in a totally realistic setting and world. There’s all sorts of new tropes that are an instant fave; anime needs more interesting character twists! The "violent" fake bartender, the insane informant, the headless heroine, etc. Amazingly, all these different characters can co-exist beautifully and lead an incredibly unique history and plot.
Now, I basically recommend this to everyone, my twelve year-old sister and my dad both have found it entertaining, while there are people who prove to be unsatisfied; like a friend of mine who mostly resigns within the romance world.... so if you’re more of a shojo fan then I recommend you avoid this; even though Durarara!! Is actually classified as a.... romance... with a twist! Now this is a true romance anime, Narita explores all the nooks and secrets of lust, obsession, love, attraction and pulls his cast through all sorts of unaverage seemingly ‘romantic’ ideas- he has a few crazy hints at pairings, but the true darkness of love is what is mostly shown at the limit of attraction. The major disturbing part is later in the series when you see the epitome of black-love and how that could drive someone to do unspeakable things. It often makes you wonder the basis behind people’s romantic actions and causes you to question ‘true’ love.
Overall the romantic aspect of the series is incredibly disturbing, in a darkly juicy way. What my favourite part of the series is though is experiencing the amazing talent of connecting everything; every episode is a new surprise, seeing how something so simple from a previous episode can affect the overall plot entirely.
The soundtrack is another noteworthy thing of the series, at first it is incredibly similar to the story, random notes and keys only making things more confusing, but after a while you get used to the soundtrack, and as new songs keep coming and coming along with plot-twists, you find yourself humming along whenever those nostalgic songs manage to wiggle themselves in.
Honestly though; as amazing as the series has gotten, it does take some time to fall in love with, in the beginning it can be confusing and boring but as the pieces slowly come together you find yourself caring deeply for the protagonists, and curious for the next twist. Around the double digits is when it all starts to make sense and serious secrets reveal themselves, with only 24 or 5 episodes overall, a lot has happened. Once you’re done with the anime though you can await new chapters of the quickly translated manga and follow the events there, because honestly, only this many episodes will barely be able to contain the entire story from the light novels.

I think I’ll give this story 4.5 stars, loosing point five for the animation getting worse as the series progresses, making the characters look awkward at times, and a weak introduction to the plot. Overall it is a masterpiece, and that weighs out the small faults. I recommend this story to everyone... even though it’s not exactly family-friendly. It also isn’t exactly a common ‘gateway anime’ but I think if it was for someone who was generally intrigued with Japanese animation, then it would make for a beautiful one.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

fashion shoot from behind the badmitton net

Hi guys! Wow two posts in less than an hour, you probably now understand why I classify myself as a fasion-GEEK lol, This is just so I can upload a couple other pics from my crazy dress-up sesion with my sister today. Please feel free to browse as well on my deviantART account: http://midnightxrain13.deviantart.com/
and/or scroll down to my previous post(ahem rant) about pencil skirts and a bunch of other random crap stuck in my head :D
(Topshop sweater, random-shop-in-Venice mask, Random-shop-in-Florence bracelets, from-mom's-sewing-box headband, revlon eyemakeup, m.a.c lipstick, dandelion-backyard.)

The fatal attraction to pencil skirts

You can find this picture at deviantART (http://midnightxrain13.deviantart.com/) ;D (shirt topshop headband mothers-sewing-box, m.a.c lip, revlon eyemake up, random-store-in-Venice ribbon, random-store-in-Florence bracelet, dandelion-backyard, model- my sister)

So this is my first blog……….yup…….. Just kidding! Don’t worry; I have PLENTY to say for you few people (Whom I love and respect) who are actually reading this! But even with all these random thoughts all muddled up inside my far-too-small brain, obviously, hence the title, this blog will 99% revolve around fashion <3.>
Oh yes! This is where it will start! So who else is obsessed with pencil skirts right now? I know these skirts are just one of those things that will always be a fave classic in our closets, but I found myself, after going shopping yesterday, completely OBSESSING over them. Now I know from all this talk it sounds like my wardrobe might be bottomless (yeah right =P) ha-ha, just a heads up, I am BROKE. And this is due to my shopaholic-ism (Who else completely bonded with Rebecca’s intro to Confessions of a Shopaholic?). I am also trapped in Brussels, Belgium; a very cool place I will admit, with plenty of resources for style; but why is it that I always end up in the most unknown, rainy cities on earth? Sadly though I have only about 20 euro in my piggy bank (which is actually a ‘kat banker’ that I got from inno), and I need to save this for metro tickets or else I have no way of getting home! So right now I’m taking out my need for clothes through a blog, and it is SO GOOD(atomic kitty reference, remember those guys?)

Back to pencil skirts? Yes? No? Well who gives a, I just tried about five million combinations with those guys(That’s what she said? No? Okay…)

Anyway, if for some really NOT-NORMAL reasons you don’t own a pencil skirt, I suggest that you save up and make that one of your top priorities for your next shopping spree. Because, to be honest, I originally didn’t like these kinds of skirts and never really got the big deal over them, but then my friend convinced me to buy one…. And the rest is history ;). But seriously, if you have something against pencil skirts that I should probably know about, or you just want to bond over our otaku-ness for them, then please comment! Virtual Belgian Waffle for whoever does first Oreo cookies for the rest :). Zero fat in both obviously so you don’t have to worry about looking bad in your new pencil skirts ;D

Thank you so much for reading !

Mayu xoxo